Omnipotent Olmec

Tod ay I read an article by Rebecca Gonz á lez L auck, titled " La Venta " from Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America: An Encyclopedia . The article mainly focuses on La Venta and its location, climate, weather, architecture, sculptures, and socio-political organizations. The article states that La Venta's monumental architecture and sculpture "define it as one of the most important cities of the Olmec civilization, and one of the clearest examples of complex societies in Middle America during the first millennium before the common era" (Gonz á lez Lauck 92). I also watched Kingdom of the Jaguar , an episode from the program Lost Kingdoms of Central America . The video is conveniently uploaded on Youtube but usually shown on BBC. The show's host is Dr. Jago Cooper , a British archaeologist who specializes in the archaeology of the Americas. In the episode, Dr. Cooper journeys to San Lorenzo, La Venta, Chalcatzingo, Juxtlahuaca, Xalapa Muse...